Winter Skin Woes?

Decatur skin care experts offer top tips to get your glow back

By Nikki Wisher

skin care

WINTER IS ALL ABOUT glitz and glitter — the shimmer of festive holiday décor, the warm twinkle of a light in the window on a cold night and, if we’re lucky, even the glistening of a fresh blanket of snow. But one thing doesn’t shine in the winter: our skin . . . unless we
give it a little help, that is.

The cold months are notorious for making our skin dry to the point of itchiness, a dull complexion, or even cracked hands and lips. But why, and what can we do about it?

Why Is My Skin Dry Every Winter?

Winter is really a perfect storm for drying out your skin. For starters, the air is naturally less humid during the colder months. Because the air is drier than you are, it pulls moisture out of your skin.

Indoor heating will dry out your skin, too. The heating systems we use in our homes and workplaces make the air even drier than it already is, so there goes more of your skin’s hydration.

There’s a third factor that comes into play: hot water. Sure, a hot shower feels amazing after a chilly morning walk, but hot water will dry out your skin in a hurry.

With that combo, it’s no wonder why so many of us wind up feeling like a desert.

What to Do for Your Skin This Winter

What can you do about dry winter skin? Fortunately for us all, Decatur has a bevy of stellar med spas and skincare aficionados who know exactly how to give you a luxe winter look. Those pros are weighing in on the best ways to get your glow back and keep it going all winter long.

Fabu Face Spa
805 Church Street, Decatur

Fabu Face Spa was one of Atlanta’s first spas to specialize in facial skincare, and Jessica Kane, the spa’s owner and a licensed esthetician and makeup artist, is sharing her top pearls of wisdom.

According to Jessica, an ultrasonic humidifier on your nightstand can do wonders. Another favorite tip? “Changing some of your skincare products with the season, such as switching cleansers or adding in a hero product, such as facial nectar, facial recovery oil, stabilizing repair cream or overnight hydration masque.”

If you want to get serious about your winter skin health, head to Fabu Face Spa and hydrate while also giving your skin an antiaging boost with the Hydra Peach treatment. Another favorite is the Turbo Lift Microcurrent treatment. As Jessica explains, “Turbo Lift Microcurrent is the perfect solution for the person who is concerned about the aged appearance of their face but would like to avoid surgery or invasive procedures.”

If you want a facial-type experience that hydrates while exfoliating, you’ll love the Glazed Donut facial or the Glo2 Facial by Geneo.


AYA Medical Spa
431 W Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur

With several locations across metro Atlanta including Decatur, AYA Med Spa is one of Atlanta’s most popular choices for skincare. Several of this med spa’s experts took the time to share their top recommendations for winter skin.

For more hydrated skin at home, here’s a tip from Mechlin Eustis, licensed esthetician
and board-certified assistant laser practitioner: double up on hydrating products. Mechlin suggests starting with hyaluronic acid and adding a moisturizer like Obagi Hydrate or Hydrate Luxe on top. But Lauren Runnels, CRNA, Aesthetic Nurse Injector, has an important reminder too: “Even when it’s cold and gloomy outside, you still need SPF! It’s critical to your skin’s health that you use sun protection year-round.”

In the way of professional skin treatments, Alorna Maxey, NP-C and aesthetic injector, says, “I personally love chemical peels and Moxi lasers during the winter months. It’s a great time to get sun damage under control from the summer months.”


Natural Body Spa
225 E Ponce de Leon Ave, Suite 150, Decatur

Natural Body Spa is known for the premium experience it offers every guest, and the foundation of its excellent care is a keen knowledge of skincare. Natural Body’s Tamika Alicea, licensed esthetician, shares some winter tips with us.

Tamika cautions against over-exfoliating dry winter skin: “Less is more with exfoliation. Each client’s treatment plan will vary, but most people will want to exfoliate once to twice each week. After exfoliating, it’s important to apply a hydrating serum, like the Eminence Firm Skin Serum or Citrus & Kale C+E Serum, and seal it in with a heavy moisturizer.”

As a 17-year esthetics veteran, Tamika also has recommendations for which professional treatments to spring for this winter: Natural Body’s refreshing oxygen facial, a richly hydrating HydraFacial treatment, or SkinMedica chemical peels to reduce signs of aging.

This winter, you can relish the season without dull, dry skin. With the help of our local skincare geniuses, you can head into the holidays looking youthful, healthy and glistening.

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