Tara Coyt, Author

Biggest influence? 
My parents Barbara and Eddie Coyt.

Three traits every leader should have? 
Three vital traits are: Intellectual Curiosity. Integrity. Vision. Of course there are more. 

What book are you reading now? 
Right now, it’s “Black Women Taught Us” by Jenn M. Jackson and “Off-White” by Astrid Roemer. I’m usually reading two books—nonfiction and fiction.

What are you binge watching? 
I’m binging “Trying,” a British comedy. It’s well-written, funny, quirky and the characters have great chemistry. I recently enjoyed watching “Shirley,” a good biopic about the phenomenal Shirley Chisholm. 

The artist you cannot take off your playlist.
If the world was cruel enough to make me choose only one, then I would need ballads and up-tempo songs I can sing and dance to. Perhaps it would be The Temptations. Hopefully I’ll be allowed to create a short list that includes Fela Kútì, Aretha Franklin, Gato Barbieri, Tanya Maria, Tony Bennett and James Brown.

Biggest thing on your bucket list? 
Winning a Tony Award for “Best Play.”

Favorite Decatur spot? 
The Dekalb County Library.

What every first timer to Decatur should visit first? 
Attend the Decatur Book Festival. It’s so important that I became a board member.

The best thing a customer ever said to you? 
“Thank you for writing Real Talk. It changed my life.” 

What’s your favorite quote? 
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” – Thomas Berger

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